
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Images of Wilderness 2003-2007 by Vida Morkunas

Vida J. Morkunas published her new book:
Images of Wilderness 2003-2007 at blurb

view it at flickr

and buy it blurb

Friday, March 14, 2008

Old Kutie - 1977 OKanagan trailer 13ft (sold now)

The OK trailer that accompanied me to the northern trips is sold now.

A woman in Smithers at the laundromat said: Thats the cutest trailer I have ever seen!
I said: It is ok, but its older than you, was made in 1977.
And she said: Are you kidding? I am over 50, and a grandmother!
Well, you are the cutest grandmother I ever met! - said I.

And then added: look inside my trailer, I have something really cute in there.
- my packraft

Friday, March 7, 2008

Alpacka Packraft videos

see these on


see for these amazing packrafts under 5 pounds.

Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far North Vol. 2

New book at blurb.

The author has travelled over 40,000 kilometers in Northern BC, Yukon, NWT and Alaska during the last 3 years to the most remote and desolate places of the Far North in search of the Masters, in order to meet them and to learn their teachings.
He sought out mountains, trails, rivers and lakes for hiking, biking, and paddling his small Alpacka packraft. He met strange characters during his wild adventures, people who live amazing lives in these remote places.
For more photos from the North, please visit the flickr site:
and trail descriptions are found on at the author's blog:

The book is at - see